Friday, May 09, 2003

Home Front
After three reskeds, we finally met with our realtor Jayne yesterday night. Lori and I had pledged that if it got cancelled this time, it would be a sign from God that now wasn't the right time to be house hunting. We said a quick prayer before Jayne got there and then had a really nice 90 minute chat with her. We talked about what we were looking for and where we were hoping for. She said that she only works based on referrals and that she considered her clients like her "kids" so she wouldn't even show us anything in areas where she wouldn't be comfortable living herself. She gave us lots of good info and I took over a page of notes. We like Jayne. At the end, she suggested we pray as a group for the process, which I thought was really cool. God is surely watching over this process and so we prayed that we'd have the wisdom to understand His will and the intelligence to know what He had in mind for us.

Then we emailed dad who had been tossing around the idea of helping us with the down-payment. This morning he emailed back to say that we could count on 10% and that he already had a loan application in. The fact that he's showing confidence in our decision to start looking means more to me than the money. But the money is an incredibly close second.

We're busy the next few weekends, but starting in June we're going to start looking at homes. Woo! Jayne said last night's meeting was the easy part, so we'll see where things go from here.

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