Thursday, April 03, 2003

One of these days I'll try to post what I remeber of the dream I had recently where Glendale, California was bombed with conventional and chemical weapons and then Monrovia was hit with an electro-magnetic pulse.

But tonight I have a different topic. I'm having a small crisis. In college my two best friends were Kevin and Allison. Allison and I saw eye-to-eye on a lot of things, especially politics. Kevin was my roommate for three years. Our politics were always opposite, but that was fine because we had a lot of other things in common.

I sent them the note I posted below. I thought it was funny. But you would not believe the responses I got back from the two of them. I really didn't read too much of either, just enough to get the point that I had really ticked both of them on.

And it's really disappointing because I like both of them. They are both really good writers and I have often looked up to them, if not envied their writing ability. But with Kevin in Kazakhstan and Allison in Seattle, the only way I have to communicate with them is by email. And things to talk about has severely shrunk over time. What's left?

Let's get down to brass tacks. Whenever I hear sirens, I immediately panic. I remember sitting on the couch the morning of my second anniversary watching people leap to their deaths before the trade center towers fell. On my last birthday I stood in our room at the Aladdin watching the space shuttle disintegrate. I'm not saying this is about me, but I want it to go back to the way it was. I want the scrolling tickers to go away from the TV news. I want CNN and ABC News panicking so much they're considering merging. I want to be able to sleep through police and fire sirens.

But that world is gone, gone for good. And when Lori and I are thinking about what bringing a child into this world might mean, I desperately want the old, safe world back. But it's gone, gone for good. We are older, wiser, and scared. It's only a matter of time before suicide bombers strike here.

(This is not announcement of our being pregnant or anything, it's just something we've been thinking about.)

Kevin and Allison are well intentioned people. Decent, honest, hardworking people. But I don't think they think about things like that. When Saddam Hussein is building many, many $90 million dollar bunkers under the streets of Baghdad while the Iraqis starve, that's not right. When he's offering money to the families of suicide bombers who kill people, that's not right. With much deliveration and prayer, the leadership of this country went to Iraq to liberate the people from this mad man and I just really don't see how you can make a logical, informed decision that opposes what we're doing.

I can appreciate the idea that war is wrong. I agree, I don't quite understand how war makes any sort of sense, but I think that we had to do what we're doing.

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