Monday, April 14, 2003

Can I get in on this?
Suing AOL... (MSNBC)

In other newschannels of the 24-hour cable variety.... Over the weekend, I watched the Fox News Channel. Then on Sunday morning, the Fox News Channel was on the regular Fox station and since the upstairs TV where we were getting ready for church doesn't have DirecTV (unless you go downstairs, turn it on, then tune in the channel and then turn on the VCR and then run back upstairs), that was the most interesting thing on. I feel guilty (like when I finally tried Internet Explorer and really liked it), but I liked what Fox News Channel was doing. It was an odd mix of homey, patriotic, friendly, peppy and sexy. I can see how critics would say it's all about the female anchors' legs, but even if you were a brain-dead guy who just sat there drooling, staring at her legs, you'd still learn quite a bit. Britt Hume, who I've always liked, was on one day. Though his comments pretty much advocating an attack on Syria and N. Korea were a bit too scary for my tastes. And Oliver North, being a dopey father figure interviewing soldiers, that was pretty cool. And at one point there was a discussion going on in New York, Washington, DC and the facilitator was leading from Qatar. That was a pretty neat feat of technology. I appreciated the intelligence of the discussion, the broad coverage (including having two people from NPR who obviously -- and rightly so -- disagreed with Britt) and all the different topics they covered. Not to mention their ticker also had stuff non-war-related in it.

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