Monday, March 10, 2003

The Suckage That is SprintPCSTMMore Commrecials I HateTM
  • Ok, Verizon is one of my favorite companies, but one of their recent commercials just annoys the hell out of me. I already mentioned the one where the guy presses everh button, not to mention his "can you hear me now?" shtick is getting old. But this is the stalker ad. Guy's girlfriend gets mad. So he calls her. And calls her. And faxes her. And instant messages her. And emails her. The poor woman can't get away from this guy. At the same time, a song I really like plays (Mike + The Mechanic's "All I Need is a Miracle"). At one point, he's supposedly calling her home, but her cell phone rings, which is just sloppy. At the end of the ad, the woman is at the guy's door. My only hope is that she's serving him with a restraining order which orders him to cease all attempts to communicate with her using any method of communication offered by Verizion.

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