Monday, February 17, 2003

I also hate the Volkswagen commercial with the guy who sort of looks like Seinfeld who licks the handle of the car because he thinks other people are coming out to look at it. (1) Who buys cars right off the lot? Not me. (2) That's gross. (3) There is more than one stupid silver gray volkswagen around here. Look around. There are a million stupid volkswagens of every color. Be original. Don't get a Volkswagen.

And there's a new Verizon commercial... a woman's in an elevator and a guy gets in, but you can't see who it is. She's pressed the button for floor 48 or something. He starts pressing every other floor button. Near the end, you see that it's him and then as it fades to black you hear "Can you hear me now?" I'm sorry, I don't find that funny. Great, my wireless company has hired a bastard.

For all the hype, the 300th. episode of the Simpsons was kinda flat. I think I laughed more during the 301st. episode, and even more than either Simpsons episode at the episode of King of the Hill. Sadly. But speaking of really laughing hard, when is there going to be a new episode of the Andy Richter show? No TV show has ever made me laugh harder.

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