Tuesday, March 26, 2002

There has been absolutely nothing that I would consider interesting in the news lately.

Sure, AOL's writing off the last of its merger costs in one fell swoop (instead of the original amortization schedule) which means it will have the biggest loss for a quarter of any company, ever. But even that doesn't seem that important. I'm resigned to the fact that my options will never be worth anything. Much like the promises and assurances and sincerity of my former co-workers.

It's not the best of days. I've had some set-backs recently. They're all, when you think about it, insignificant and I can simply shake them off as quickly as shaking my head and I'm almost complete with that process.

But I also didn't sleep well last night. It wasn't stress or any of the usual factors, just outside influences like purring cats who are just too darned loud and stuff like that. So while I don't necessarily feel tired, I feel a little down.

I am glad it's spring. I've ridden my bike around the block a few times in the evenings after getting home from work and I've had a chance to watch them dig a giant crater. Some sleuthing on the internet has turned up indications that they're building a huge new community of apartments or condos pretty close to where we live. I will enjoy watching the construction process.

So that's about it from here.

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