Thursday, February 21, 2002

Are you a consumer or user?
(from Emil) A long article on how the content industry wants to limit the power of computers so that future computers are less useful than the computers of today.

Sprint Sucks in Columbus

Diet, days 2 and 3
    Gained a pound. 189 (day 2). WUWT?
    Actually, I learned that coffee with sugar is not a cheat. Yay!
    The rest of day 1... pre-dinner snack: two hardboiled egg whites w/ celery salt (throw away the yolks)... dinner: hamburger patty and steamed green beans and milk... bedtime snack: 3 slices of deli-meat (turkey)
    Day 2... pre-breakfast snack: half an orange... breakfast: bowl of Kellogg's Smart Start cereal... mid-morning snack: dannon yogurt... lunch: hamburger patty and salad... afternoon snack: 3 slices of cheddar cheese... pre-dinner snack: 2 hard-boiled eggs (Whites only)... dinner: salad with lunch meat... pre-bedtime snack: forgot. *cheat* 3 cookies at small group... it would have been rude not to have had any. And they were spread over 2-1/2 hours' time. Not like I just sat there stuffing my face.
    Day 3... pre-breakfast - an 1/8th of a honeydew... breakfast: bowl of Kellogg's Smart Start and Special K (ran out of Smart Start)... mid-morning snack: yogurt... lunch: salad and bean & bacon soup... afternoon-snack: carrots
    I have high hopes for the diet. It gives you a lot of different food choices and you eat a lot. I've already been chastised because I don't eat things when I'm supposed to... but at least I didn't go out to eat on the second day of the diet.

16 Palestinians die
Perhaps more today. I'm really serious. Would someone go over there and tell them to knock it the hell off?

Comet coming
Apparently it's the return of a comet from the 1500's. That's kinda cool. Puts Halley and it's 70-odd year cycle to shame.

Colin Quinn gets his own show

Microsoft and DVD's
So Microsoft is accused of collecting information from you when you play a DVD using Windows Media Player. And it's contrary to their own privacy policy. Their response? Rewrite the privacy policy. Sheesh.,,10_978251,00.html

Microsoft profiting from settlement?
See? I'm not all pro-Microsoft. Apparently Microsoft's response to the settlement terms is just like their response to anything else that doesn't go their way... screw 'em in a different manner. If nothing else, Microsoft is really really shrewd when it comes to being devious.

Rental firm must stop GPS tracking
A while back I read about a rental car company that was using the cars' built-in GPS systems to determine if people had been speeding in their cars, and if so, they got $150 charges added to their bills. I thought it was pretty cool and pretty funny, especially for some loser who got 3 "tickets" added to his bill. (Speeding was defined as exceeding 79 MPH for more than two consecutive minutes.) But even though it was in the contracts people signed, a loser judge has ruled they've got to give the money back and stop it. Bummer.

Bill clinton homepage
I thought this was pro Bill Clinton, but I guess not. Kinda funny. Or sad. It's a shame the man didn't have more respect for the office. Granted, he's not the only president to ever do bad things while in the capacity as most powerful man in the office, but that he was too stupid to keep it hidden and that the types of lowbrow things he got caught doing... which begs the question... was he stupid, or did he purposefully get caught doing certain things so as to distract people away from more insidious doings? Like killing Foster.

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