Monday, February 25, 2002

AOL and Yankees form new TV channel
This is further proof of where AOL's going with things. You'll think it's news, but it's actually just non-stop advertising for the sports team or league paying for it. They're doing the same thing soon, converting CNN/SI into something owned by the NBA. Expect news from other leagues soon enough.

AOL Synergy Question...
This morning on the local news they had a story about Richard Lewis being on 7th. Heaven. Then they went to commercial... promoting Richard Lewis on 7th. Heaven. Question... is Richard Lewis being on 7th. Heaven news? Or was this just a built-in ad? Not sure.

This just in... you'd better go back to downloading MP3's...
The government is recommending that internet radio stations pay more than regular radio stations to stream music over the internet. Enough to put most internet radio stations out of business.

The economy improving?
MSNBC thinks so... from a recent mailing of headlines:
Data hint economy well on the mend
Mortgage rates fall again
O'Neill: Economy is recovering

OurInvestorsWouldHaveToBeLameRON? CheatRON? WassupRON?
Enron's changing its name. You know, that's all well and good, but who really cares? No matter what you change the name to, is anyone going to ever invest in this company again? It seems like the only hope is for some other company to purchase its assets, fire everyone, sue the hell out of Kenneth Lay and then sell off all the little pieces so that Enron can never exist again. I know that's like trying to kill that other Terminator, perhaps all the little pieces would scurry back together and reform evil, but it's worth a shot. Speaking of shot... oh, ok, fine. You already know what I think of Kenneth Lay.

We're sorry... please come back to work?
United asks 1,200 flight attendants to come back to work. Personally, I'd resolved to never fly United again long before 9/11, but I'm glad to see that people are returning to the skies.

This is too easy...
Of course, Boeing's firing 1,000. So we're almost even again. Sales of satellites are down so they're letting some people go. Nothing funny here. I just hope Boeing told its employees and they didn't have to read about it in MSNBC. Unlike some unnamed studio started by two brothers with the last name Warner.

Sprint PCS sucks in Atlanta

Where's Waldo? Or Farzeh? Or Esteban? Or Hanjour?
There are some 35.1 million visitors, business-people and students in the United States on VISAs right now. And the government cannot keep track of them all. If we can't keep track of them and American lives are potentially at stake, here's a thought... stop letting people in until you can get things under countrol? A new computer system is being installed, but there isn't the man-power to go hunt down people who overstay their VISAs or never show up for classes at the school they've enrolled in.

MSNBC's broken
This is an interesting article on the challenges MSNBC faces. It and FOX NEWS started in the same year, but recently FOX NEWS kicked CNN's butt while MSNBC had only have the viewers that FOX NEWS had. MSNBC saw a spike from the Olympics, but they know it won't last. What to do... what do to...

Hello, caller, I'm not listening because I'm not real...
I thought this article was fascinating. I knew this technology was used to do top-40 countdowns, but I had no idea that they were using it to do entire radio shows... this story is about how KISS radio is becoming a national brand, even to the point of hiring college students to help them find out what's popular in a town, then giving that info to a DJ in another city who pre-records an entire several-hour block, as if they're really in that city. The end result, you think you're listening to a local DJ doing a live broadcast, but you're not really.

More Enron?
I think this one is interesting for so many reasons... Enron owes the government $1.2 billion. Well, not exactly. They owe these quasi-U.S. government things.... one is a bank, of sorts. The other I don't quite understand... It makes loans, people pay for the loans and it doesn't cost the taxpayers anything. My explanation lame? Yeah, it's confusing. But isn't it amazing how every day you learn new things about our government?

Diet Watch
Fortunately, the weekends don't count. I'm still at about 186 to 187. So possibly a tiny bit of progress. Today started with half an apple for pre-breakfast, a bowl of cheerios for breakfast, pineapple for mid-morning, salad and half a bagel for lunch and yogurt for mid-afternoon.

10,000,000 blogger posts
This guy, without even knowing it, hit the 10,000,000th. blogger post. Interesting site, to boot....

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