Tuesday, January 29, 2002

I just have to share... I thought this was too funny...

"Dear Colleague:

We asked architects, engineers and builders what they need to know about building with wood."

* 'I want an up-to-date publication that will inspire me and my clients.'

* 'one with lots of technical drawings and information about wood.'"

It goes on to say...

"Recent articles include 'Wood I-joist floors - tips for best use'"


"As a subscriber, you'll have access to (on their website):

* links to other helpful wood-related sites"

"Recent technical advances in laminating, preserving and building with wood."

I know to some people, building is a serious business. I someday want to build my own home (or at least have input on the design and let someone else do the actual construction). But I think it's funny some of the marketing people use... but it just hooked me on "One with lots of technical drawings and information about wood." In case you're interested, it was an ad for Wood Design & Building Magazine.

Whelp, gotta go to Lowes to buy some wooden chairs to assemble.

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