Friday, January 11, 2002

I have a cold. I hate colds. I rarely get them.

On TV they were reporting on how windy it was. HOW WINDY IT WAS. And to prove it, he did what he called his "patented notebook toss". He throws the notepad up and we're supposed to ascertain from how far it flew how windy it was. Apparently not that windy.

Anyhow, Jon Lech Johansen was arrested, or at least charged in Norway recently. This guy was cool. Not just because his name was DVD-Jon, but because he made all the big movie studios look like fools. At the age of 15, he broke the copy protection that DVD's use. Well, the MPAA got mad because a 15-year-old showed them how lame they were. And they got Norway to arrest him. What, "arrest him or we withhold The Haunting from release in your country"? Y'aint missin' jack, folks. Anyhow, they should be suing the company who developed the DVD. But noooo.... go after the kid. (He's 18 now.) Here's more on MSNBC.

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