Monday, January 14, 2002

Heather, I don't consider your RAV4 one of those evil SUV's I hate so much. I can pretty much see around a RAV4 in most circumstances. Plus, I'd have to give you a waiver anyway as a friend.

There's a company in England that's been pretty successful at getting partnering with existing grocery stores to deliver groceries. They're about to launch in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington. I totally miss home delivery of groceries. Stupid Webvan. Had to go and ruin HomeGrocer. So sad. Boycott Borders Books, the same guy that started it started Webvan. Anyhow, you can write to that company in England at this address: and beg them to come to delivery down here with Ralph's. That is, I mean you should write to them!

The Postal service reports that they are testing out the Segway scooter-things.

What really happened at Enron? I think this article does a good job of laying out how many people screwed up and how it may result in the downfall of other companies as well.

Finally... airlines have agreed to match luggage to people. Was that really so difficult? They claim it could lead to delays. I have another suggestion... start making the checkin areas secure. You check in, end up in a lounge. You can't leave. It has its own bathrooms and everything. Once you go in there, your luggage goes on the plane. Then you wait in comfort until your plane is ready for you to board. Then you hop on and take off.

And this is kinda cool.... Control your home remotely... on the other hand, think of the hacker possibilities. (My friend says that it would be very easy to hack the OnStar thing that unlocks your car doors remotely, so this sounds like a piece of cake to crack.)

Survivor audiences down, yeah, it's not flashy and new. But for those of us watching, it's still a lot of fun. It amazes me that they hadn't yet started shooting on September 11 (they were ready to go to Jordan) and yet they're launching the fourth season on February 28th. Is it just me, or is that too soon? And how soon until Weakest Link has a Survivor-losers edition? Well, besides the one they already had with just the first-season cast? And did anyone see "The Chamber"? That show is nuts.

I recently read an article that claims that the war will be between Apple and Microsoft. I disagree. I think Apple is a non-starter. Sure they're the only consumer alternative to Microsoft and sure they're a company you are evil if you don't love (according to rabid Mac fans... wait... that's redundant). But I really don't see Apple as a competitor to Microsoft. AOHELL, now they're a competitor.

And lots of people are leaving Nintendo. It's a pretty big Changing of the guard. Should be interesting to see how the future plays out for that company, now that Microsoft has decided to go after them as well. (Why didn't Microsoft just buy Nintendo, keep it the same, but shape its future towards compatibility? If they had just kept their name off it, it seems like it would have been well-embraced by the gaming community. I know the XBox is apparently being well received, but there will always be anti-Microsoft folks.)

New Napster launches... Yawn.

And half of all online shopping is done from work. I can believe that. I pretty much shop at work. That's where I am when I'm thinking about buying stuff, the connection is fast and I'm usually in a buying mood after lunch.

The amount of hacking has decreased lately. A lot of people had been expecting a hacking war against Afghanistan and the Taliban, similar to the U.S.-China hacking wars, but I guess the technology just isn't there to attack.

This is an article about a California company helping the Federated States of Micronesia (607 islands) go from 8 phones per every 100 people to advanced cell phones (internet, etc.) for everyone. More importantly, it talks about how some islands have as few as 50 people. I think I want to live there. Once they get cell phones.

A big "DUH"... Phones and handhelds converging.

And lastly, funny ads are back. Subway ads don't count. Henry, Clay Henry. Catchy. But lame. But also effective, been craving Subway more lately. Almost ready to even try the Veggie Delight to see if I can actually lose weight. Not that I can afford to eat there as often as Jared.

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