Wednesday, January 02, 2002

Happy New Year!

Ever listened to the radio, liked a song, but then the DJ came back, talked about how great the song was, then went into several minutes of commercials, then a new DJ came on and you never got to find out who sang the song? New technology is being unvieled that will allow you to hold your cell phone to the speaker and four seconds later, your phone tells you what the title is and who the artist is.

Greed is bad. Capitalism is bad. It's the tool of the great satan! Big corporations are the work of capitalist dogs! Uh, hello? Kettle? Al Quida, Inc. (Terrorists suck!)

So does this mean that in the movies we'll see drug dealers with suitcases full of euros? The Euro launched across the European Union in many places except Britain and two other countries. And apparently they have a bill that's worth about US$440. It'd be fun to walk around with some of those.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Job sites produce few jobs. 'nuff said.

People in the bay area may no longer be able to see NBC unless they have cable or satellite. NBC just dropped its affiliateship with a big station in the number five market. Giving further credence to my friend's theory... says soon NBC will drop all of its non-owned affiliates and buy the rest of PAX that it doesn't own and basically start over with a new network where it owns all the stations.

And finally, the state AG's are doing something right. They're pushing to require opt-in instead of opt-out on giving away or selling your information. (Now if they'd just lay off Microsoft.)

And this last story was submitted by my wife. There's so many things wrong here... Nebraska... WalMart... dead people as Christmas gifts. The short version is that some woman dies. Her husband has her cremated. Then he goes to Walmart in Nebraska and buys a vase or something and pours her ashes into it. He then wraps it up and drops it in the mail to his sister-in-law. The woman gets the vase, notices it's got a crack and takes it back to Walmart. Apparently none of the ashes were leaking out because she never looks inside. Nor does Walmart. They give her a new vase or urn or whatever (can you buy an urn at Walmart?) and toss the old one in the trash. Happy with herself, she tells the guy who then tells her that her sister was inside. So then it's time to dig through the dumpster to find the dead relative. Don't believe me? How could I make something like this up?

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